Circle Of Inspiration Spotlight: Jared Minnick
Describe who you are and what you do:
I am a St. Louis artist. Self taught and learning.
@heart_oms ##selftaught artist Jared Minnick ##dope ##selfmade ##artist ##interview
♬ Drive - Edit - Black Coffee & David Guetta
When did you decide to pursue your passion:
I used to draw alot when I was younger. In my early 20's I did a few paintings, but nothing really serious. I got away from art for a long time. For some reason in 2012 I had and interest to do a painting. From there it slowly grew for a couple years. Then sometime in 2014 something changed, it completely took over me. It's all I could think about. I have had some breaks here and there since then, but for the most part it has fully consumed me.

Where do you draw inspiration from:
In a word, everything. I think if you keep an open mind, and always try to improve, learn and grow, you can find inspiration in so many things.
What is the biggest lesson that you have learned on your creative journey:
It can still be really hard sometimes, but I have gotten a little better on not being, excessively, brutally, horribly, hard on myself. Just keep working, keep learning, keep pushing yourself. And try to tell the assholes in your head to cut you some slack occasionally.
What are you currently working on:
A lot of different paintings with frame combinations. I bought, I think around, 70 antique frames at different estate sales over the course of a month.
Any words of advice for someone getting started in your field:
Be true to yourself and focus on what you want your art to be.
Jared is an artist and the owner of 31art Gallery in St. Louis, MO who is following his heart + pursuing his passion with confidence.
Follow Jared on Instagram + check out 31art Gallery's page and the current ROCK THE ART SHOW Exhibition!
Keep your circle of inspiration tight and keep creating!
Photos copyright Jared Minnick. All artwork copyright Jared Minnick.